An ivy-covered tree leans precariously across Route 25A in Port Jefferson...

An ivy-covered tree leans precariously across Route 25A in Port Jefferson in January before being taken down. Credit: Philip Schiavone

Many trees have English ivy growing on them. The ivy will eventually kill the trees if nothing is done to prevent it.

What needs to be done is to cut the stems of the ivy to stop the process. It may be a simple thing to do, but if the stems are very thick, it may be necessary to hire an arborist.

Many people may not be aware of the danger. If the trees die, they will collapse with possible dire consequences — for example, falling on passing vehicles and/or pedestrians. Considerable damage could occur to vehicles. And drivers and passengers may be injured or worse.

One such tree on Route 25A in Port Jefferson appeared dangerous and was taken down by the New York State Department of Transportation and PSEG.

Because the tree was quite tall and would have collapsed over both lanes of the two-lane road, it likely would have taken down the utility wires on the opposite side of Route 25A, which is a heavily trafficked roadway.

— Kathy Schiavone, Port Jefferson

Child is 'on board'? Then don’t be texting

While driving recently, I was following a vehicle with a “Child on Board” sticker on the rear window. At one point, I was passing this vehicle. To my amazement, the female driver was texting while she indeed had a child in the rear car seat.

If this driver was so concerned about this child, maybe she should pay more attention to driving than texting. I guess she forgot about the sticker on her vehicle window. I find this to be sad.

— Joe Alagna, Levittown

The writer is a retired NYPD lieutenant.

Aftermarket brake lights are a hazard

Can something be done about flashing strobe brake lights? I’m seeing them more and more and find them to be blinding, especially at night. They are not standard equipment and illegal here. It’s an aftermarket modification.

I don’t know whether people installing these believe they are making things safer, but blinding drivers behind you doesn’t seem well thought out.

Also, can we get rid of the extra light bars that I see on some large pickup trucks? The headlights are bright enough.

— Thomas Salvato, West Hempstead

Goodbye, Levitt — hello, McMansion

I am watching the single-family Levitt homes in my area disappear. I can understand the need or desire to renovate a small Levitt home. I myself had to renovate to accommodate the care of an elderly parent, but to knock down a Levitt home and build a colossus is mind-boggling.

It seems that they are rebuilding homes with a footprint using the maximum amount of property — all house.

— Barbara Votta, North Wantagh

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