Reps. Peter King and Thomas Suozzi will rally next month with Long Island high school students to call for action to end gun violence and mass shootings.

King (R-Seaford) and Suozzi (D-Glen Cove) will join students at Farmingdale State College on March 24 as the national March for Our Lives rally is held in Washington, D.C.

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Reps. Peter King and Thomas Suozzi will rally next month with Long Island high school students to call for action to end gun violence and mass shootings.

King (R-Seaford) and Suozzi (D-Glen Cove) will join students at Farmingdale State College on March 24 as the national March for Our Lives rally is held in Washington, D.C.

The March for Our Lives movement was organized after the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting that killed 17.

King and Suozzi support a House bill to expand background checks to include all commercial firearms sales and offer federal funding to states that maintain record-sharing systems that track criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.

“We are inspired by the teenagers and high school students who are standing up collectively and demanding ‘not one more,’ ” Suozzi said in a statement. “This is not about Republicans and Democrats. This is about doing what is right.”

King, a lead sponsor of the House bill, said in a statement that he “will continue to advocate for policies that prevent gun violence and keep our communities and children safe.”

The Long Island rally is to set to be held at Farmingdale State College’s Nold Gymnasium at 11 a.m. on March 24.

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