" You will get through it, and when you come...

" You will get through it, and when you come out at the other side you will be proud, strong, and unstoppable," shares Dee Morrow undefined

Life's Victories--Dee Morrow--4 ½ year survivor

When Dee Morrow scheduled her annual gynecological exam, she decided to get her mammogram before the appointment "because I knew my doctor would yell at me if I didn't," she jokes.But what she discovered was no joking matter. She had breast cancer, and thus began a journey that included a lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation."It was triple negative breast cancer, which is considered aggressive," says Dee, now 47. "But I had two young girls, so I had no other choice but to fight."

During the early days of her battle, breast cancer consumed her every thought. “I hated chemo days, God how I hated them,’ says Dee.But she had a great support network, including her husband and daughters, along with other friends and family.

“Today it is hardly a thought. I am reminded that I am a survivor! Some survivors say it is the best thing that ever happened. I disagree. It Was the worst thing.” Although her family was always close, Dee says the experience made them even more united. "My family is so strong; we are one unit, and my children appreciate our family and their mom every day."

Dee--now a yoga teacher in addition to being a nurse--is planning a celebration this coming January, which will mark five years since her last treatment. But for her, the battle is a thing of the past. "Cancer has no hold over me or my family anymore, and that’s how it should be."