New York Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira follows the flight...

[object Object] Credit: AP first baseman Mark Teixeira follows the flight of his third-inning RBI sacrifice fly off Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Matt Garza. (Sept. 14, 2010)

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Add Mark Teixeira to the list of wounded Yankees. The first baseman has been playing since Sept. 1 with a broken pinkie toe on his right foot, suffered Aug. 31 at the Stadium when Athletics righthander Vin Mazzaro hit him with an 0-and-2 pitch.

"We took X-rays right after that game and they showed it was fractured," general manager Brian Cashman said by phone before last night's game.

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ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Add Mark Teixeira to the list of wounded Yankees. The first baseman has been playing since Sept. 1 with a broken pinkie toe on his right foot, suffered Aug. 31 at the Stadium when Athletics righthander Vin Mazzaro hit him with an 0-and-2 pitch.

"We took X-rays right after that game and they showed it was fractured," general manager Brian Cashman said by phone before last night's game.

The injury was first reported late Tuesday afternoon by the New York Post.

Teixeira has started every game since the injury, including last night's.

"It's a problem he's dealing with the best of his abilities," Cashman said.

Cashman isn't worried about the injury costing Teixeira playing time, but it's pain the first baseman has been dealing with and will continue to.

"From someone who has broken a toe, there's nothing you can do about it except wait for it to heal on its own," Cashman said. "Tex is tough enough to play with it and deal with the pain. But there's really nothing you can do with it."