Financial Poise™ Announces “Commercial Real Estate – Acquisition and Development," a Webinar Premiering April 24th at 11:00 AM CST
Financial Poise™ Webinars and West LegalEdcenter are pleased to announce the April 24th premiere of a new webinar “ONE HOUR LAW SCHOOL 2018 - Commercial Real Estate – Acquisition and Development" which provides an insider’s guide to commercial real estate acquisition and development.
CHICAGO (PRWEB) April 20, 2018
Looking for a bird’s eye understanding of the rudimentary principles of a complex area of law? Interested in a much needed refresher on an issue that has rapidly evolved in recent years? Short on time? This Financial Poise webinar series explores the essential building blocks of important legal concepts facing business people.
The second episode of the series, Commercial Real Estate – Acquisition and Development, airs on April 24th at 11:00 AM CST (Register Here) and features Moderator Michael Brandess of Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Helsinger. He is joined by Louis Archambault of Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP, Tracy Treger of Syndicated Equities, and Brian K. Lipson of TriCostal Group to discuss the many hats worn by the commercial real estate investor.
Developing commercial real estate requires the investor to wear many hats. Well before the development stage begins, a commercial real estate developer needs to be versed in negotiation, property due diligence and contract law. It’s also vital for a commercial real estate investor to understand the terms of associate financing, including personal guarantees. The development phase involves a host of other issues, from dealing with contractors to zoning, and everything in between. This webinar provides an insider’s guide to commercial real estate acquisition and development.
The ONE HOUR LAW SCHOOL 2018 Series is produced by Financial Poise.™ Future episodes in the series include "Employment Law 101," airing on May 22nd, and "Estate Planning & Asset Protection-101," airing on June 19th. While the first episode airs at 2 PM CST, each subsequent episode airs at 11:00 AM CST. All episodes will be available live through West LegalEdCenter and then on-demand following the live premiere.
As with every Financial Poise Webinar, each episode is delivered in Plain English understandable to investors, business owners, and executives without much background in these areas, yet is also valuable to attorneys, accountants, and other seasoned professionals. And, as with every Financial Poise Webinar, each episode brings you into engaging, sometimes humorous, conversations designed to entertain as it teaches. Each episode in the series is designed to be viewed independently of the other episodes, so that participants will enhance their knowledge of this area whether they attend one, some, or all episodes.
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Financial Poise™ has one mission: to provide reliable plain English business, financial and legal education to investors, private business owners and executives, and their respective trusted advisors. Financial Poise™ content is created by seasoned, respected experts who are invited to join our Faculty only after being recommended by current Faculty Members. Our editorial staff then works to make sure that all content is easily digestible. Financial Poise™ is a meritocracy; nobody can “buy” her way onto the Financial Poise Faculty.™ Start learning today at
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