Our Town America’s Michael Plummer Jr. Appointed a Forbes Technology Council Contributor
Michael Plummer Jr., CEO of the Nation’s Premier New Mover Marketing Franchise, featured as technology expert in regular contributed articles
CLEARWATER, Fla. (PRWEB) April 26, 2018
Michael Plummer, Jr., CEO of Our Town America, the nation’s first and fastest growing new mover marketing franchise, is providing valuable insight and observations in his new role on the Forbes Technology Council. Plummer has spent the last decade strategically leading Our Town America into the digital age while maintaining the company’s core principals of connecting new residents to the local businesses in their communities. Participation in the exclusive council allows Plummer to share his expertise with a new audience.
“It’s an honor to be associated with liked-minded individuals who share the same commitment to improve our business community through insightful and instructive content,” says Plummer. “We at Our Town America have always prided ourselves on embracing cutting-edge technology and using it to influence best practices. The opportunity to contribute my thoughts on a platform as distinguished as the Forbes Technology Council is humbling and appreciated.”
The Forbes Technology Council is a highly selective, quality-over-quantity organization for senior level technology executives. The invitation-only organization provides industry thought leaders a forum to submit expert business articles and short tips related to their industries on Forbes.com.
Plummer Jr. just wrote his initial article titled “Direct Mail Still Works: How to Use Tech to Elevate Traditional Marketing.” Plummer highlights the continued importance of direct mail in today’s technological world. In addition, he discusses how businesses are forming new relationships with clients by embracing new technology that efficiently reaches and influences desired target audiences.
In his Q&A contribution to “12 Suggestions to Upgrade Your Business’ Tech in 2018,” Plummer helps businesses dealing with the challenges that come with moving forward in the 21st century find viable solutions. Specifically, Plummer addressed inter-office communications. Plummer Jr. played up the significance of centralized Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications to improve the flow of data inside a business.
“Our dependence on technology as a solution to all of our issues gives us a false sense of security sometimes,” says Plummer. “Technology is wonderful, but it doesn’t replace knowledge and common sense that we gain through life experiences, including success and failures. My first submission to the Forbes Technology Council illustrates how the merging of old-school and new-school thought processes produce the best outcomes.”
To view Plummer Jr.’s “Direct Mail Still Works: How to Use Tech to Elevate Traditional Marketing” article, please visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2018/04/17/direct-mail-still-works-how-to-use-tech-to-elevate-traditional-marketing/#3d8fc0057f3b.
To view Plummer Jr.’s guidance in “12 Suggestions to Upgrade Your Business’ Tech in 2018,” please visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2018/03/02/12-suggestions-to-upgrade-your-businesss-tech-in-2018/#3eb723245a12.
To view Plummer Jr.’s Forbes profile and track his monthly contributions as they’re published, please visit https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/people/michaelplummer1/#47f8c9e7103a.
For anyone interested in learning more about Our Town America franchise opportunities, please visit https://www.ourtownamerica.com/.
About Our Town America
For over 45 years, Our Town America has been connecting new movers with local businesses by helping turn them into long-term, loyal customers. As the leaders in New Mover Marketing, they use a mix of proven and perfected methods of direct mail and new technologies to focus exactly on the businesses ideal type of customer. Through their mobile app, they are 100% trackable and also offer demographically targeted full-color postcard mailings, EDDM, and more.
Since the company started franchising in 2005, Our Town America has consistently been placed in the Franchise Top 50, ranking top in their category for franchisee satisfaction.
Our Town America's dedication to the “sponsor exclusivity” concept, meaning Our Town America will only recommend one of each business type in any specific zip code within its welcome packages, has been one of the key catalysts for the company’s long-term success. In addition, sponsors consistently rave about other unique aspects of the New Mover Marketing program – such as their ability to reach a brand-new audience of impressionable new movers each month and the insightful data/metrics delivered by Our Town America’s innovative pinpoint tracking system.
Due in large part to Our Town America’s devotion to those concepts, thousands of satisfied business owners throughout the United States attest to the success and effectiveness of the program. Additionally, dozens of locally owned franchisees validate Our Town America's concept as a viable business opportunity.
It is Our Town America’s mission to assist new movers adjusting to their community, help businesses gain new and loyal customers and provide franchisees with an excellent opportunity. The eight million households who receive Our Town America's welcome packages each year prove that Our Town America is committed to following through on that mission statement.
For more information, visit the Our Town America website at http://www.ourtownamerica.com.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15440350.htm
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