Payscape Manager Candidate Assigned to St. Louis Office
New Sales Development Leader To Grow Location
ATLANTA (PRWEB) April 17, 2018
Leading financial technology company, Payscape, announces Kelly Schmidt as the most recent graduate from the Manager Candidate Program. She will now assume her role as Sales Development Leader in the St. Louis market.
As the newest manager of the St. Louis market, Schimdt will be responsible for growing a team of local talent with the goal of helping St. Louis businesses streamline their cash flow and improve their revenue potential. Her team of Sales Executives will consult on Financial Technology and Merchant Services. Schmidt believes that Payscape will be able to further the impact in St. Louis and the surrounding areas.
“I have spent the last twelve weeks growing my leadership, recruiting, and sales skills, and I am honored to have the opportunity to continue to build a successful sales team in St. Louis,” said Schmidt. “I can see the support, dedication, and entrepreneurial attitude that is within the individuals at Payscape and know that there are several levels of success left to achieve”
After receiving her degree from The University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, Schmidt quickly moved into the payments industry. She has garnered more than 14 years of experience, with her most recent accomplishment before joining Payscape by being able to save her clients 20 - 80 percent of their processing fees and rates.
“Schmidt has proven with her past experience and over the last twelve weeks how successful she can be and we are confident that she is the key to growing and making Payscape’s presence known in the St. Louis area, says, President, Brady Harris.
For more information on Payscape’s Manager Candidate Program, or to apply for an open position at our St. Louis office, please visit:
About Payscape
Founded in 2004, Payscape is a leading integrated financial technology provider dedicated to making it simple for business owners to collect money. They are a team of inspired entrepreneurs intent on disrupting the commoditized payment landscape with cutting-edge products and services, universal API integration, best-in-class customer service, strategic referral and technology partnerships and a lifelong devotion to helping small to mid-size business owners increase cash flow. Learn more about the company at and subscribe to fintech updates @Payscape.
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