Success in the Fight Against Emerald Ash Borers
The death toll continues to rise as Emerald Ash Borers cut through our region and destroy unprotected Ash Trees, but many Ash trees can still be saved! According to Giroud Tree and Lawn, homeowners need to have Ash trees checked by an ISA Certified Giroud Arborist to determine if the tree is healthy enough to be treated and protected from this 100% fatal pest or if the tree is unsafe and requires removal.
The death toll continues to rise as Emerald Ash Borers cut through our region and destroy unprotected Ash Trees, but there is a bright spot in this bleak picture. Many Ash trees can still be saved! An ISA Certified Arborist can check if a homeowner's Ash Trees is healthy enough for treatment to prevent attack from Emerald Ash Borers. If the Ash are already infested with the pest or dying, then tree removal is the only option.
What Are Emerald Ash Borers?
Back in 2002, these shiny green beetles first showed up in North America and, according to the Arbor Day Foundation, are believed to have come over on shipping materials from China. Starting in the Detroit area, the pests have quickly spread across the country leaving behind millions dead or dying Ash trees. These beautiful yet pervasive insects are 100% Fatal. Once an Ash tree is infected with Emerald Ash Borers, it will die within 1-3 years.
Are all Ash Trees at Risk?
Yes! The question at this point isn’t If an Ash tree will become infested with Emerald Ash Borers, it’s: "When will it become infected?" These insects have covered a shocking amount of ground in the last few years. Visit to see a map of which states have already been affected.
There is Hope!
Giroud Tree and Lawn is seeing great success in the fight against Emerald Ash Borers with Tree-age Injections for Ash Trees! A video by Rob Nagy, Giroud ISA Certified Arborist, shows the destruction on a street lined with Ash trees in Northeast Philadelphia. Several are dead or dying. Yet, two that were protected with Tree-age injections, are alive and healthy, despite being right next to trees that were eaten away by Emerald Ash Borers.
The contrast is startling,” says Rob Nagy. “These Ash trees are growing side by side, and Emerald Ash Borers are killing them all, except for the two that have been protected with Tree-age trunk injection treatments.”
Tree-age is the Only Treatment that fully protects Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borers
“In good conscience, a company should not take money from homeowners for treatments that do not fully protect a tree from Emerald Ash Borer,” says Lou Giroud, ISA Certified Arborist and President of Giroud Tree and Lawn. “While other treatments may reduce EAB populations, the deadly pest can still be in the tree and continue to destroy it over time. Tree-age is the only treatment that Giroud recommends.”
How to Know if Emerald Ash Borers have already attacked an Ash Tree
By the time a homeowner notices that an Ash tree doesn’t look healthy, Emerald Ash Borers have already done significant internal damage. That’s why it is critical to have trees inspected by an ISA Certified Arborist now before the tree is damaged beyond repair. There are many important factors to consider before choosing a plan of attack.
Have Emerald Ash Borers (EAB) been found near the property? Treatment should be done once EAB has been confirmed within 15 miles of the property. Emerald Ash Borers have heavily infested Ash trees across the Philadelphia region putting all Ash in danger.
Does the tree already have signs of Emerald Ash Borers? Look for D shaped exit wounds, woodpecker damage, and crown die back.
Is the tree still healthy enough to absorb and transmit the treatment through the tree? More than half the tree’s crown must still be alive and in full leaf.
Which treatment option is best and why? Tree-age trunk injections provide the best control against Emerald Ash Borer and last for two years. In performance tests, Michigan State researchers found that systemic trunk injections of TREE-age® with Emamectin Benzoate (Em Ben) applied every two years, achieved the best results.
Is the technician licensed by the state to perform the treatment? Licensed professionals know how to calculate the right dosage for the size of the tree and the proper set-up for the application.
Dead Ash Trees are NOT Safe!
Emerald Ash Borers are fast killers. Ash trees infested with Emerald Ash Borers die within 1-3 years. If more than ½ of the tree’s crown is dead, the Ash cannot be saved. Tree removal will be necessary, especially if the dead Ash is located near a home, driveway or play area. That's because a dead Ash tree quickly becomes a safety hazard due to a few contributing factors:
-Moisture Loss: Emerald Ash Borers cut off the flow of water and nutrients through the tree. Additionally, the fatal pest creates thousands of exit wounds. Both conspire to dry out the tree and make it brittle.
-Weak Structure: the same straight, tight grain that makes Ash trees great for baseball bats and splitting firewood is also why it’s limbs and leaders easily split apart. The result is a dry, brittle tree that is at high risk for breaking apart.
Removal must be done ASAP and a dead Ash tree is not a simple tree removal. The brittle tree is so dry that it can break apart in unexpected ways and cause significant and expensive damage.
An ISA Certified Arborist is best qualified to evaluate how to safely remove a dead or dying Ash tree. The Arborist will determine if a tree climber can safely work in the tree or if a crane and/or bucket truck is required. The longer the dead tree is left in the ground, the drier and more dangerous it becomes, making tree removal even more complicated and expensive.
About Giroud Tree and Lawn
Giroud Tree and Lawn specializes in tree service, lawn care and mosquito and tick control programs that make customers love doing business with the company since 1974. Serving Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties, the company offers professional tree and lawn evaluation, tree pruning, tree removal, insect and disease control, fertilizing, stump removal, traditional and 100% organic lawn programs and mosquito and tick control. Giroud Arborists are certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and have the knowledge and experience required to properly diagnose, treat and maintain trees and lawn health. The company is Accredited by the Tree Care Industry Association and Better Business Bureau. Giroud has also been awarded the Angie's List Super Service Award® every year since 2005. The “Giroud Treework for Charity” program donates free tree care services to parks, historical sites and other non-profit organizations located in the Company’s service area. For more information, visit the company website at or call 215-682-7704.
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