Tampa Ad Agency Dunn&Co. Leads All Agencies at the Fourth District 2018 American Advertising Federation ADDY Awards
Florida and Caribbean district honors agency with 21 Awards at AAF’s Annual ADDY® Gala
Tampa, Fla. (PRWEB) April 18, 2018
Dunn&Co., a leading full-service advertising agency and production company, today announces it won 21 total ADDYs at the American Advertising Federation (AAF) Fourth District 2018 ADDY® Awards, held in Orlando, April 14. The AAF Fourth District represents all of Florida and the Caribbean. For the second time in three years, Dunn&Co. has been recognized with more awards than any other agency in Florida or the Caribbean. The awards haul included a Best of Show award in the Radio category for its Earl of Sandwich “Reclaim His Name” campaign; a Best of Show in the Sales Promotion category for its Aviator vodka packaging; and nine Gold awards in their respective categories.
The award-winning work was created for a variety of media, including TV broadcast, radio broadcast, packaging, digital/web, video, illustration and multimedia campaigns. The American Advertising Federation recognized the agency’s work on behalf of clients: Tampa Bay Lightning, Earl of Sandwich, Tijuana Flats, Aviator vodka, Harleston Green scotch whiskey, Old Bastard Brewing Co., Big 5 rum and University of South Florida.
“It’s incredibly gratifying to know that we’ve assembled one of the strongest creative teams in the Southeast, as evidenced by our ability to win, year after year, so many creative awards. And being recognized as the most awarded agency in all of Florida and the Caribbean for the second time in three years is beyond our hopes,” said Dunn&Co. President and CCO Troy Dunn. “Our clients choose to work with us because of this reputation, and our desire to consistently deliver the kind of work that even our peers admire is part of what drives us to maintain and exceed this expectation.”
The AAF ADDY Awards is the nation’s largest advertising competition, with more than 60,000 entries annually. The ADDY Awards is the only creative awards program administered by the advertising industry, for the industry. The AAF 4th District comprises 21 local federations throughout Florida and the Caribbean.
Dunn&Co.’s winning pieces will now move on to compete on the national stage of the American Advertising Federation Awards in Chicago later this year.
About Dunn&Co.
Dunn&Co. (http://www.dunn-co.com) is a full-service advertising and marketing communications firm whose US headquarters are housed in a century-old former cigar factory near Tampa’s historic Ybor City, and whose European Headquarters reside in a former World War 2 airplane manufacturing facility in Kingston, UK . Dunn&Co. provides award-winning marketing and creative solutions for clients worldwide, including GE Healthcare, The Tampa Bay Lightning, Baxter Healthcare, PDQ, Grow Financial, the University of South Florida, Sabal Trust, Old Bastard Brewing Co., Savas Spirits, Edgewater Spirits, Arrmaz, Ventyv, Checkers, Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, Relevant Sports and The Untied Way.
About the ADDYs
Attracting nearly 60,000 entries each year nationwide, the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) ADDY Awards have become the largest and most comprehensive advertising competition. The ADDY Awards originated in the 4th District in 1960 and became a three-tiered national competition in 1968.
Sponsored by the AAF, the awards honor excellence in advertising and cultivate the highest creative standards in the industry. Each year, the competition begins with contests in the nation’s more than 200 AAF member clubs, where entries must be submitted and judged to be eligible for the ADDY process. Local winners proceed to 15 regional competitions, and those winners advance to the national finals.
Proceeds from the ADDY Awards program on all levels of competition go back into the industry through the work of the AAF and its members, especially in the areas of advertising education and public service advertising.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15415931.htm
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