The World’s First Team of Pregnant Superheroes is Born
Summer Infant Asks for Help in Open Letter to Marvel Entertainment.
WOONSOCKET, R.I. (PRWEB) April 26, 2018
A new kind of distress signal is being cast onto the night sky, only this one has a baby bump. Four of them, actually.
Baby brand Summer Infant has created a real-life team of pregnant superheroes and wants them to take the next step toward reality.
Four heroic moms were selected for their everyday powers and potential. Summer Infant has produced a film and the following open letter to Marvel Entertainment, as it labors to bring The M.O.M. Squad to life:
Dear Marvel,
You helped blaze a trail with Jessica Jones, a pregnant Spider-Woman. Now we’re asking you to join forces and help us deliver the world’s first team of all-pregnant superheroes.
We believe every mom is a hero. By looking within and having the right equipment in their arsenals, they can become superheroes.
We’ve sketched out four members of The M.O.M. Squad. Each is an inspiring real-life mom, turned superhero, brought to life by comic artist Viera Boudreau:
Agent Momitor
Even in the dead of night, Agent Momitor detects movement and sound from her baby’s room with supersonic vision and hearing. Agent Momitor is based on Steph Herron Rice from Boston, author of A Little Too Loud.
Professor Potty
Professor Potty goes above and beyond to make sure every child is properly potty-trained – with a little help from her secret weapon and a great deal of patience. Professor Potty is based on Tammy from Washington, D.C, author of A Loyal Love.
The MotherLoad
Able to carry anything children need while out and about, The MotherLoad is always prepared for any situation. The MotherLoad is based on Patty Osorio from Washington, D.C., author of Patty’s Kloset.
AquaMom has the power to calm and control the waters at bath time, making cleanup a splash. Aquamom is based on Jasmine from Detroit, author of Living For Jasmine.
In honor of Mother’s Day, we want to take a special moment to celebrate mothers everywhere. We’re inviting everyone to tag the supermoms in their life and nominate them to become the newest members of The M.O.M. Squad.
The world is ready for its first team of pregnant superheroes. Marvel should be the one to do it. Let’s team up and write their adventures together.
Summer Infant
For more information, visit or contact Adam Ritchie at (617) 819-4237 / pr(at)summerinfant(dot)com.
Summer Infant is dedicated to making bath time, meal time, play time and every time in between special for parents and children. For more than three decades, Summer Infant's thoughtfully designed, pioneering infant and toddler care products have made family life easier, safer and more fun. For more information, visit
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