Most people on Jan. 1 set goals for themselves, also known as New Year's resolutions. Well, have you ever thought about "group" resolutions? My class is doing a group resolution to get a better grade average. We already have come up with ways to reach this goal, such as: flash cards, listen to teachers, do homework, take notes, be on time, don't procrastinate and use extra help.

Most people end up quitting or slacking on their resolution. Why is this? Well, I think that people just don't believe in themselves. So maybe if they get rewarded, that will motivate them to work harder to reach that goal. A reward could be treating yourself to some ice cream, a nice dinner, a movie or something else you really like. Or if you are doing a group resolution in school, you could get a movie or a homework pass.

I think group resolutions are a great idea that teach kids and adults to work together. Also, you could do them as a family, like eat healthier dinners or less sugar.


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