Hang ’em & Hatch ’em eggs

Kidsday reporter Sara Ghaly with Hang'em & Hatch'em Eggs. Credit: Newsday / Pat Mullooly
You can hatch three different pets with Hang’em & Hatch’em Eggs (Animal Planet / SCS Direct). The three pets are a snowman, a penguin and a polar bear. They grow when you put the egg in a cup of water. In two days they should be hatched. If you keep the pet in the water for three more weeks, the pet grows.
When I put it in the water it took four days for it to hatch fully. I also did a little experiment. I put one egg in each cup and the penguin egg hatched first. That was strange.
I think this toy is for anyone with a lot of patience.
AGES 7 and older
RATING 4 smiles