If you had to choose: Money or friendships?

Credit: Kidsday staff artist / Maggie Flaherty, Merrick
Have you been surrounded by kids you enjoy hanging out with? Have you had the beautiful feeling of going on a shopping spree for whatever you want? Which one is better for you?
We asked 84 fourth- and fifth-graders this question: “Would you rather have more friends or money?” Here are our results:
Friends: 59
Money: 25
One kid said, “I want more friends because friends are better than money.”
Another kid said this: “More money, because with money you can get a more advanced college and a good job.”
One kid we surveyed looked at it a bit differently. He said, “More friends, because friends are kind and also friends are money to me.”
Lastly, one student said, “More money, because I would give to the poor to buy a house, water and food.”
As you can see, all of the students above have very kind and respectful answers. We weren’t surprised more students said friends rather than money. After all, friends are priceless.
Mary Ralph’s fifth-grade class, South Oceanside Elementary School, School #4