My class wrote its own Conflict Resolution Declaration. It consists of amendments, just like the Constitution of the United States, that help keep peace throughout our school.

These amendments talk about different strategies to solve conflicts, such as walking away from someone if he or she is bothering you.

It also offers different tips on how to avoid conflicts. It tells you what you should do while speaking. Make eye contact with the person you are talking to. Use better words than harsh words and use "I feel" statements instead "you did" statements.

The Conflict Resolution Declaration tells even more things. When you are speaking, you should speak calmly and clearly. You shouldn't interrupt when another person is speaking.

Our class Conflict Resolution Declaration helps solve conflicts throughout the school.

We even have a song about it. It uses the same tune as "If you're happy and you know it," but we changed it to "If you're angry and you know it."

We wrote the Conflict Resolution Declaration because we studied the Iroquois and they wrote a Great Law of Peace.

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