The finale of Christian Siriano's Spring 2013 show featured three...

The finale of Christian Siriano's Spring 2013 show featured three models in light, romantic frocks who appeared to have walked right off the canvas of Siriano’s favorite Degas painting, “Three Ballet Dancers.” Bravo. (Sept. 8, 2012) Credit: Bruce Gilbert

Truth told, Christian Siriano is known for over-the-top confections, but at Saturday’s afternoon show, he took a more discreet route via the ballet. Inspired by movement and particularly the “Dream Ballet,” performed by the American Ballet Theatre, the show opened with slim pale pink polka-dot cropped pantsuits — a gussied-up version of what dancers might wear hanging around. Later, that same silo turned up in a sparkling sea foam ensemble.

There were pearl-drenched shifts and bodices, some with feather trim inspired by images plucked from ABT archives. A patterned chiffon grouping boasted a print that looked like an abstract sunset, all surprisingly slim and chic.

And then there were those Payless shoes, Siriano a longtime collaborator. Our fave was his first-ever flat, called the Margot, this a take on a ballerina oxford sneaker featuring a white rubber sole, a blush metallic or dotted satin upper and ballerina laces – they were great.

Of course, Siriano will always be a bit of a drama king, and the show wouldn’t have felt good without a few big, big ballgown – one, a mound of grayish tulle, stunning.  A magic moment?  The finale, as three models in light, romantic frocks appeared to have walked right off the canvas of Siriano’s favorite Degas painting, “Three Ballet Dancers.” Bravo.


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