Fall in love with the idea of a Valentine's Day...

Fall in love with the idea of a Valentine's Day wedding with these tips. Credit: Fotolia

Valentine's Day is a popular day to have a wedding, and it's no wonder why. Because it's known as the most romantic holiday, couples can tie the knot on a date when love is celebrated.

Here are some wedding tips for those who've been struck by cupid's arrow:

Don't assume your bouquet and centerpieces should be filled with roses.

The quintessential flower for Valentine's Day is the rose, so it's natural to think that roses should play a huge part in your wedding. But you'll come to find that during this particular holiday, the price of roses will go way up, possibly going well over the amount you've budgeted for flowers. Luckily for you, there are tons of other flowers that are just as beautiful without the hefty price tag. Think ranunculus flowers, orchids, or even Gerbera daisies. And if your heart is set on incorporating roses, have rose petals thrown down the aisle before you walk to your spouse-to-be.

Have hearts subtly mixed into your wedding day details.

The key to a tasteful theme is making sure you don't go overboard. Heart-shaped invitations, heart-shaped centerpieces, and heart-shaped balloons can be a romance overload. Try having a candy bar alongside your cake and add in heart-shaped sweets, like classic Conversation Hearts and red cinammon heart candies. Maybe throw in Hershey's Kisses to keep things cheeky. 

Don't have your guests seeing (only) red.

Yes, red is the color that comes to mind when you think of Valentine's Day, but if all you have is one color throughout your day, it can fall a bit flat. Kick things up a notch with shades of pink and orange, and you'll see how bright, cheery and sweet your day will look. 

Send them home with some love.

Whatever favor you feel best represents you as a couple, attach a personalized love note along with it. Your guests will appreciate the sentiment, and will leave your wedding feeling very loved! 



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