Extend your helping hand

You can help.
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic has devastated many Long Island families. Many of us have lost mothers, fathers, grandparents, spouses, family or friends. The toll — now above 3,700 deaths Islandwide — has been devastating.
The economic toll is also staggering. More than 287,000 Long Islanders have filed for unemployment since the pandemic began, and the region shut down. Small businesses are closed. Our key industries and small businesses — from the retail service sector to tourism — have been decimated. That agony filters down to individuals and their families.
Too many Long Islanders don’t have the money to feed their children, pay their rent or their mortgage, or even handle funeral costs for family members. They’re facing homelessness, hunger, and an uncertain future.
It’s easy to feel helpless, even if you’re not in financial trouble. We’re told to stay inside, to keep our distance from neighbors and friends. It might seem difficult to figure out what you can do.
But you can help.
Newsday Charities has begun a Long Island COVID-19 Relief Fund. The proceeds will go to Long Island nonprofits that provide aid to Nassau and Suffolk residents. Newsday will pay all administrative costs, so 100% of your donation will go directly to Long Islanders in need. The fund will help organizations focused on hunger and homelessness, along with child and domestic abuse and other concerns. You can even create a personal fundraising page to drive more donations.

This is a difficult time for so many. If you can, please give. To donate, go to www.newsdaycharities.org or call 631-843-3056.
— The editorial board