Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin sends incessant partisan mailers...

Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin sends incessant partisan mailers at taxpayer expense attacking Gov. Kathy Hochul for non-town matters such as congestion pricing and school regionalization, a reader writes. Credit: Barry Sloan

Clavin must tell us about tax, pay hikes

Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin and his town board socked every town homeowner with a double-digit tax increase in October 2024. He slipped in a 12.1% tax increase without a single mailer or public release.

Then, this month, on top of generous budgeted raises for his inner circle, Clavin spent an additional $857,660 for further raises and/or hires for his patronage mill [“Hempstead wrong to hide information,” Editorial, Jan. 17].

Why would the town conceal names of new hires and raise recipients? As the editorial asked, “Are there more nephews of the party faithful on the town’s payroll?” This epitomizes Clavin’s resolve to hide the truth from voters.

Instead of mailing about town tax increases and raises, Clavin sends incessant partisan mailers at taxpayer expense attacking Gov. Kathy Hochul for non-town matters such as congestion pricing and school regionalization. Yet, congestion pricing helps Long Island Rail Road commuters, and Hochul has nothing to do with a school district opting in or out of regionalization.

Clavin must stop raising our taxes and should only mail about town issues such as any tax increases and salary increases to patronage employees.

— Dave Denenberg, Merrick

The writer is a former Democratic Nassau County legislator.

Hijacking agencies before our very eyes

President Donald Trump’s removing independent inspectors general at several government agencies should frighten all Americans “President fires 17 federal watchdogs,” News, Jan. 26].

It appears Trump’s hijacking our nonpartisan institutions for his personal power and whims is far from over.

Who knew that our nation had it all wrong for decades and our apolitical institutions such as our military, justice and health departments and inspectors general were on the wrong track, all serving our nation instead of being subservient to the president?

Regarding “Make America Great Again,” just which era does the word “again” refer to? Pick any one, and it’s a time when the chances of a Donald Trump being elected president were exactly zero.

— Jeff Fass, Sayville

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