Letter: Teachers work well beyond workweek
The writer of the letter "Teachers' benefits are too generous" [Dec. 10] needs to understand that benefits are negotiated through collective bargaining.
Teachers do not work part time, as the writer mistakenly believes. As a retired New York City teacher myself and the relative of a teacher on Long Island, I can attest that teachers often put in longer days than many people in private enterprise.
With a day that begins at a time when most people haven't yet begun their commute, teachers often work well into the evening running extracurricular activities and clubs, tutoring, chaperoning events, etc.
On top of that, they are required to complete courses toward a master's degree and often beyond, attend professional and staff development classes and seminars, and meet with parents and students outside of class. They prepare lessons, grade tests and essays, and give freely of their time to help struggling students.
Teachers contribute to their pension and health plans.
Most teachers I know have very little time of their own. I'd like to know what planet that writer is living on.
Frank Lombardo, Kings Park