What she wrote: "Trump tells it how it is. #Trump...

What she wrote: "Trump tells it how it is. #Trump 2K16"

"He doesn't care what people think. He just says it," Kaitlyn Dowsett, 19, of Holtsville said of Trump, who she supports. The Suffolk County Community College student was going to see the scene of Trump supporters near the Emporium event where he was appearing in Patchogue on April 14, 2016. Credit: Edward B. Colby

A couple of things columnist William F.B. O’Reilly should understand before continuing to bash Donald Trump [“Mr. Trump, rules same for everyone,” Opinion, April 15].

Trump is running for president because the political process in this country is broken. By now, the GOP should be embracing the front-runner and providing the support he needs to win. Instead, it’s obvious the Republican establishment is trying every possible angle to remove him.

He’s probably no better than any other candidate, but he can’t be any worse. The people are obviously making a statement by supporting Trump. Maybe the political establishment should get the hint and initiate political reforms.

The people want a voice and are weary of paying for all the bad decisions the government makes. The middle class is tired of shouldering the load.

Chuck Lomino, Plainview



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