Letters: Planned Parenthood not 'bias-free'
I read with interest the letter about sex education [" 'Bias-free' sex ed needed," Sept. 23]. What do they mean by bias-free?
Yes, our children should be taught sex education, but that is the responsibility of the parents in conjunction with school health classes.
Planned Parenthood in August announced a plan for a $3.2-million campaign targeting voters in key swing states to support pro-choice candidates. Keep Planned Parenthood out of our schools.
Geraldine Covino, Hauppauge
Thank you, Planned Parenthood, but I must refuse your kind offer to provide my children with "bias-free" sex education. My life has revolved around my children since they were born, and I know them much better than you do. I know their psychological gifts and needs; I know when and under what circumstances to impart this critical information.
I have high goals for them. You might call it my agenda. Unlike your agenda, it's not values-free.
Catherine N. Dillon, Manhasset