Letters: Why isn't Mangano's name on cameras?
Traveling around Nassau County, I see County Executive Edward Mangano's name on many posters and signs ["Cameras caught politics' ugly side," Editorial, Dec. 17].
Yet, the speed camera signs near schools and the red-light camera poles have no evidence of Mr. Mangano's contribution to the safety those devices afford. This appears to be an oversight that needs to be rectified.
Mark Winiarski, Great Neck
Oh, good. Now we are going to let the people who are speeding and breaking the law make the decisions to run the county governments, both Nassau and Suffolk.
At least these cameras may have slowed people down a little. Plus, this was a good revenue source for the county without raising taxes.
June Votava, Yaphank
Editor's note: The writer is a civilian employee of the Suffolk County Police Department.
Good riddance to schools commissioner
I'm used to Newsday being on the wrong side, but your Dec. 12 editorial "King advanced education in NY" was laughably ridiculous.
Common Core is a disgrace and an unnecessary burden for our children, especially first- and second-graders, who have yet to develop any sort of analytical thinking. King's arrogance and refusal to budge or even to attend some of the numerous parent meetings tells the true story of our education system on its way to ruin.
Contrary to your editorial, most parents and educators detest the ridiculous Common Core standards. And to say that opposition has waned is a blatant lie. Your paper simply refuses to cover it or give credence to those opposed to the liberal agenda.
Good riddance to King, and I hope soon to the Common Core.
Patrick Burke, Valley Stream
CIA torture protected U.S.
Why am I not surprised that Newsday's editorial board supports the Senate release of the report that indicates that, yes, America tortured people? ["A dark chapter in U.S. history," Editorial, Dec. 10]. I would expect nothing less.
I just have one thing to ask: What would you have said if America didn't do this, and more attacks occurred on American soil? I know it wouldn't have been in support of former President George W. Bush. You would have ripped him for not doing enough to protect Americans.
Sorry, Newsday, America did what we had to do to protect our citizens.
Bret P. Wallach, Hicksville
Battle of Bulge heroes remembered
Wonderful piece on the Long Island veterans who fought in the Battle of the Bulge ["70 years after Battle of the Bulge," News, Dec. 14].
They were true heroes who at such a young age sacrificed so much and endured such tremendous hardships, with traumatic memories of the event that haunt them to this day.
Mike Quadrino, Smithtown