Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden and Jill...

Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden and Jill Biden depart after placing a wreath at the Delaware Memorial Bridge Veterans Memorial Park on May 25, 2020, in New Castle, Del. Credit: AP/Patrick Semansky

Why were former Vice President Biden’s derogatory and insulting comments regarding black voters essentially ignored or hidden in the media [“Biden’s ‘ain’t black’ quip draws ire,” News, May 23]? Page 15 isn’t exactly major news placement.

Does anyone believe this story would receive so little attention had it been his presumptive opponent’s comments? When President Donald Trump says something stupid, it is front-page “news.”

If voters don’t get truthful, unbiased reporting in one place I’m sure they will find it elsewhere.

Rich Adrian,


For those who find former Vice President Joe Biden’s honesty (I’d say often incorrectly labeled “gaffes”) intolerable, they have an easy option in November. Vote for his opponent, who is infinitely worse than Biden in every political and personal way.

It’s clear that Biden said what he really meant when he said that African Americans who support President Donald Trump over Biden are not “black” — that is, they don’t have the best interests of blacks at heart.

Biden doesn’t always use the best or most accurate words to describe what he thinks. Biden will be Biden.

Michael J. Gorman,




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