The New York Giants introduce their new coach Joe Judge...

The New York Giants introduce their new coach Joe Judge at MetLife Stadium on  Jan. 9, 2020. Credit: Corey Sipkin

When it comes to this year’s NFL Draft, the Judge house will have all hands — and paws — on deck.

Because of the stay-at-home orders in place to combat the spread of the coronavirus, Joe Judge will spend his first draft as coach of the Giants in his family basement in North Attleborough, Massachusetts. And he won’t be alone.

“I have told my kids that there are times I’m going to need them to get out of the basement and there are times when they can be present,” Judge said on a conference call on Wednesday. “Based on how we set up the draft board, so I can have a visual in my basement, I’ve already talked to them about possibly taking tags off the wall or organizing different things.”

Those will be jobs for Sean, Michael, Emma Riley and Ella Grace, ages 14 to 6.

“I’m not looking to make this a vacation for anybody, we have serious work to get done, but it is still our house,” Judge said. “Like almost everyone else in America is finding out, everyone is working with their family always present, and that’s pretty true for us.”

Judge said he isn’t exactly sure how all of the logistics of the draft will work when it begins for real on April 23. In the coming days, the Giants are going to go through several mock drafts as an organization and also will take part in mock drafts with the rest of the league to test the technology and communication infrastructure that will be used for the selection of 255 players over seven rounds.

As for whom the Giants will be drafting, well, that’s a closely guarded secret.

“I have a golden retriever who sits on the couch next to me for about 15 hours a day, so right now she can probably tell you more about who we are going to take in the first round than anybody else,” Judge said of Abby, his eavesdropping canine.

So far, Abby hasn’t leaked any information.

Good girl. Yes you are.



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