Woody: "My expectations are we'll win"

New York Jets owner Woody Johnson, center, claps while attending a pep rally as running back Leon Washington, right, and Curtis Martin, left, look. (January 21, 2010) Credit: AP
The Jets players arrived at the team hotel in Indianapolis through a rear entrance, but owner Woody Johnson braved the swarming crowds at the front door and walked in to chants of “Woo-dy! Woo-dy!” and “J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets!” (along with a few groans about PSLs).
Johnson was asked what his expectations are for tomorrow’s game.
“My expectations are we’ll win,” he said, “but I never go into a game thinking we’re going to lose.”
Is that a guarantee?
No, he said.
“We’ll let the coach take care of the guarantees,” he said. “He’s very confident, as you know.”
So is Johnson, even though he described the weekend at the AFC Championship Game as “unexplored territory for me.”
“I think they’re good, very good,” he said of the team’s chances. “I’ll go along with what Rex said. He’s extremely confident. We’re number one in defense, pretty good at running the ball. Mark had a good week. So it’s all good.”
Johnson was also asked about the loss of his daughter several weeks ago.
“It’s been tough,” he said. “The personal issues can’t be solved by this.”
“I think about my daughter all the time,” he added. “If I could bring her back I would. There’s nothing I can do at this moment. I’m sad about that, but I’m rooting for the New York Jets.”
(Photo: AP)