DeTect HARRIER™ Ground Based Sense-and-Avoid Radar Installed at the Rozas Aerodrome in Spain
System to provide real-time beyond visual line-of-sight for unmanned aircraft and drone operations
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (PRWEB) April 18, 2018
DeTect, Inc. ( announced today that it has completed commissioning of a HARRIER Ground Based Sense-and-Avoid (GBSAA) radar at the Rozas Aerodrome in Lugo, Spain. The system, supplied to Babcock, España, will provide beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) for drone and Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations at project sites throughout Spain and Europe for wildfire assessment and firefighting support.
DeTect’s HARRIER GBSAA incorporates the latest in solid-state, Doppler radar technology and real-time web-based situational awareness displays to accommodate a diversity of user applications. “By incorporating multiple sensors, including radar, TAS and ADSB receivers into the HARRIER system, DeTect is able to provide a cost-effective solution for BVLOS operations to UAS operators,” said Edward Zakrajsek, General Manager of DeTect Global, Ltd., London. The HARRIER GBSAA supports a wide range of UAS operations including wildfire assessment, firefighting, oil and gas site inspections, aerial survey, and law enforcement extending operational ranges to 20 miles (32 kilometers).
About DeTect. DeTect is a fully integrated radar company with US radar engineering and manufacturing facilities in Florida, and offices in California, Washington DC, Canada and England. The company is a leader in applied radar remote sensing technologies and systems for small radar cross section targets such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), drones and birds. Other DeTect products include DroneWatcher™ drone detection and defense systems, and MERLIN™ aircraft birdstrike avoidance radars and avian radars. Since 2003, DeTect has manufactured and commissioned over 280 advanced systems in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe, Africa and Asia.
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