Emotional Healing: New Decision Therapy Classes in Coconut Grove, Florida - April 20-22, 2018
Learn new, powerful, emotional healing therapies, in beautiful Coconut Grove, Florida, April 20-22, 2018, with Master Teacher, Michael Phillips. These classes are great for nurses, housewives, therapists, and parties interested in emotional healing.
ORANGE, Calif. (PRWEB) April 18, 2018
Learn a new emotional healing therapy, in beautiful Coconut Grove, Florida, April 20-22, 2018, with Master Teacher, Dr. Michael Phillips. These classes can benefit nurses, housewives, therapists, and persons interested in emotional healing.
- Introduction to Spiritual Eye Reading (Free), Friday, April 20, 2018, 7:00 PM.
- New Decision Therapy class Saturday, April 21, 2018 ($350).
- Advanced NDT class, Sunday, April 22, 2018 (Free with purchase of New Decision Therapy class).
Please email michael(at)newdecisiontherapy(dot)news for details.
An emotional health researcher has finally come up with a new way to beat depression and emotional pain, and it's all done with mirrors. Time alone cannot heal memories so painful that they are pushed out of the conscious mind.
These memories must be treated with memory healing, which focuses on forgiveness. Using New Decision Therapy, Michael Phillips shows how this new tool can free a person from painful memories.
“My experience has taught me that people are tired of getting analyzed, going to groups, and living in denial. What they really want is to be healed & go on with their lives,” said an attendee.
Pastors and counselors will discover how to use this form of therapy. This cutting-edge research may be applied to oneself after workshop completion.
About New Decision Therapy
New Decision Therapy (http://www.newdecisiontherapy.news) is a quantum, conscious-memory recall process of forgiveness, with guidance toward profound growth and acceptance, for emotional healing of past traumas. By looking into a mirror, profound changes can happen. Heal with help by Master Teacher, Michael G. Phillips. Arrangements can be made to attend a seminar, workshop, or private session, by emailing michael(at)newdecisiontherapy(dot)news. Interested parties are welcome to share about New Decision Therapy via reputable websites and social media.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15394886.htm
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