Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. Promotes Key Cybersecurity Analysts to Leadership Positions
Doug Cahill Promoted to Group Director; Jon Oltsik Named ESG Fellow. Both Cahill and Oltsik to Speak This Week at RSA Conference 2018.
MILFORD, Mass. (PRWEB) April 17, 2018
ESG, a leading IT analyst, research and strategy firm, today announced the promotion of two of the firm’s key cybersecurity analysts.
Senior Analyst Doug Cahill will assume the role of Group Director and Senior Analyst, where he will be responsible for leading ESG’s growing team of cybersecurity analysts and researchers, defining ESG cybersecurity coverage areas, and developing new client offerings.
ESG has also recognized the career achievements and continued excellence of Senior Principal Analyst Jon Oltsik by naming him to the first ever ESG Fellow position. In this role, Oltsik will continue to support ESG clients while spearheading ESG’s research into new areas of the cybersecurity market. Named one of the top 100 cybersecurity influencers, Oltsik is also active as a committee member of the Cybersecurity Canon, a project dedicated to identifying a list of must-read books for all cybersecurity practitioners.
“ESG is fortunate to have two experienced and trusted cybersecurity experts the likes of Jon and Doug,” said John McKnight, Vice President Research & Analyst Services. “Jon has been one of the leading voices of the cybersecurity industry for more than 15 years. He has been a widely-recognized and respected thought leader throughout his tenure and has consistently delivered invaluable insights to ESG clients and other industry constituents. Thanks to Jon, ESG has become a true trusted cybersecurity voice to commercial security vendors, CISOs (Chief Information Security Officers), industry trade groups, and government agencies and legislatures. We are thrilled to name him as the first ever ESG Fellow and look forward to his ongoing contributions to tackling key issues facing the cybersecurity community.”
“In the span of just a few years, Doug Cahill has become one of ESG’s most respected, trusted, and sought-after analysts,” McKnight continues. “Doug has rapidly become one of the industry’s key thought leaders in the increasingly-critical area of cloud security and he brings a unique combination of market analysis acumen and business operating experience that make him a key strategic advisor to client organizations be they global enterprise vendors, venture-funded startups, or hyperscale cloud service providers. We are excited to promote Doug to this new leadership position and look forward to the ongoing growth and increasing influence of ESG’s cybersecurity practice under his guidance.”
As frequent industry speakers, both Cahill and Oltsik will be presenting this week at RSA Conference 2018 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
Cahill will speak on April 19 in a session titled The Impact of Multi and Hybrid Clouds to Cybersecurity Priorities (session code STR-R14).
Oltsik’s session, also on April 19, is titled The Life and Times of Cybersecurity Professionals (session code AST3-R02), during which he will present and discuss the latest findings from the ground-breaking joint research study by ESG and ISSA (Information Systems Security Association) International into cybersecurity professional skills and career development issues.
About ESG
Enterprise Strategy Group is an integrated IT research, analyst, strategy, and validation firm that is world renowned for providing actionable insight and intelligence to the global IT community.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15414354.htm

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