Eurasia Group Foundation names Mark Hannah research fellow
Hannah, who teaches at New York University, will lead a three-year research project to better understand the benefits of a more restrained US foreign policy.
WASHINGTON (PRWEB) April 16, 2018
The Eurasia Group Foundation (EGF), a new nonprofit dedicated to connecting individuals to the geopolitical issues and events that impact their lives, today announced that Mark Hannah has been hired as a research fellow. Dr. Hannah, who will be based in the EGF’s New York office starting on April 16, 2018, will develop original research that explores the advantages and policy implications of a more restrained US foreign policy.
Allyn Summa, executive director, commented, “I am delighted Mark will be joining EGF. His experience spans the academic and public affairs worlds, and so I know he will help us go beyond the production of high-quality, policy-oriented research to help render that research comprehensible, cogent, and compelling for a broad and diverse audience.”
Dr. Hannah has taught at New York University for the past three years, the last year of which he was a fellow at its Institute for Public Knowledge. He received his PhD from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California, where his research focused on the changing economic and political cultures of news in a global context. He previously studied at the University of Pennsylvania (BA) and Columbia University (MS). Before pursuing a research career, he worked on the presidential campaigns of John Kerry and Barack Obama, and in the public affairs practice of the global PR firm Edelman. He has written for,, and the Huffington Post, and has been a regular guest on MSNBC and Fox News. He is a currently a partner at the Truman National Security Project and a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
“I’m thrilled to be joining Allyn Summa and Ian Bremmer at EGF,” said Hannah. “As the country reels from two of its three longest wars and our current interventions seem to be driven as much by impulse as by insight, EGF’s mission has never been more vital. It’s time that the public be more deeply engaged in determining the direction of America’s foreign policy.”
Ian Bremmer, EGF’s board president, also welcomed Dr. Hannah: “EGF is incredibly fortunate to bring Mark Hannah on staff to build this important project. He brings the highest degree of academic rigor alongside the ability to craft information in meaningful ways for different people. I’m excited to see what’s next.”
EGF is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization committed to helping people make meaning out of the impact geopolitics has on their lives by empowering them to get involved in the issues that matter to them most. EGF takes complex issues and ensures they are accessible to everyone through traditional and nontraditional media, including events and meetings, papers and presentations, videos, infographics, podcasts, and the full array of social media.
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