FEI to Present OH&S Webinar and WI EAPA Conference Keynote
Preparing organizations to respond and recover from disasters
(PRWEB) April 20, 2018
FEI Behavioral Health, a social enterprise with a 35-year history and a leader in workforce resilience from EAP and organizational development to workplace violence prevention and crisis management, will present sessions at two upcoming events: A webinar facilitated by Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Magazine and the Wisconsin Chapter Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) 2018 Conference.
FEI Senior Director of Crisis Management Services, Vivian Marinelli, will present the OH&S webinar, “Disaster Preparedness: Murphy’s Law and Lessons Learned,” on April 25, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. CST.
This webinar will discuss how organizations can prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and man-made disasters. Attendees will learn key aspects of an emergency response plan, how to develop a successful crisis communications strategy and considerations for providing organizational and emotional support post-incident. Marinelli also will share lessons organizations learned from the impact of various 2017 disasters.
Marinelli brings over 20 years of work in direct clinical services specializing in trauma and grief counseling to her position which focuses on assisting individuals involved in critical incidents. Vivian has been the principal architect in designing, developing and continuing to oversee a highly successful team of specialists focused on supporting the critical needs of individuals, families and communities during disasters. She is recognized as a subject matter expert in community and organizational emergency response and provides customized training for teams throughout the world. She holds a doctorate degree in clinical psychology and is a licensed psychologist in Wisconsin.
The WI EAPA Conference runs April 26-27 in Milwaukee, Wis. FEI Senior Account Manager, Randy Kratz, will be presenting the keynote session, “Helping Ourselves and Each Other: Critical Incident Stress Management During Disaster Response,” on April 27, 2018, at 8:30 a.m. CST.
This session will discuss how critical incident stress management (CISM) is a crucial tool in maintaining resilience for disaster responders. Attendees will discover best practices for CISM as well as how to identify signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Kratz also will discuss the importance of self-care and resilience to post-incident stress management, including peer-based “helping the helper” techniques.
Kratz is a licensed clinical social worker and licensed professional counselor in the state of Wisconsin and has worked as both a counselor and a supervisor in outpatient and hospital settings for more than 15 years. He has been a workplace consultant for over 20 years providing employers and employees with assistance for stress and conflict management, organizational change, substance abuse and other organizational challenges affecting people. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in social work and a Master of Science degree in counseling psychology.
To learn more about OH&S or FEI’s webinar, visit http:// https://ohsonline.com/webcasts/2018/03/disaster-preparedness-murphys-law-and-lessons-learned.aspx?admgarea=webinars&tc=page0.
For more information about the WI EAPA Conference or FEI’s presentation, visit http://www.eapasowi.org/conference/.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15428355.htm
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