Heilind Electronics Now Stocking Bel Magnetic Solutions MagJack Integrated Connector Modules
Manufactured by market leader Bel, MagJack connector modules consist of a comprehensive portfolio of integrated devices to facilitate a wide range of Ethernet networking applications
WILMINGTON, Mass. (PRWEB) April 26, 2018
Heilind Electronics, a leading global distributor of electronic components and authorized distributor for Bel Magnetic Solutions, has expanded its selection of industrial interconnects with the company’s MagJack connector modules -- the premier family of integrated products for today’s Ethernet networking applications. These modules are designed to provide signal conditioning, EMI suppression and signal isolation within a single component.
Available in both single- and multi-port/stackable designs, MagJack integrated connector modules (ICMs) can transmit and receive up to 60 W of power per port within the Ethernet cable. The ICMs are compatible with all major 1000BASE-T PHYs and are backward compatible to slower speeds and lower powers. The MagJack is also highly flexible: In addition to combination RJ45 and USB ports, customers can choose from a variety of LED colors, mounting heights and other custom features.
MagJack connector modules are designed to meet current industry performance standards and support applications ranging from 10/100 BaseT to 10GBASE-T to PoE Plus. Because of their flexibility, they are used in a wide variety of computer networking, telecommunications and consumer electronics equipment.
Visit Heilind's website for more information about Bel Magnetic Solutions MagJack integrated connector modules.
About Heilind Electronics
Heilind Electronics, Inc. (http://www.heilind.com) is one of the world's leading distributors of connectors, relays, sensors, switches, thermal management and circuit protection products, terminal blocks, wire and cable, wiring accessories and insulation and identification products. Founded in 1974, Heilind has locations throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong and China. Follow Heilind on Facebook at facebook.com/Heilind and on Twitter at twitter.com/Heilind.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/heilind-bel/magjack/prweb15439419.htm
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