Tampa-based MaintenX International gives businesses safety guidelines for window maintenance and repair.

Tampa, Fla. (PRWEB) April 30, 2018

Window safety is critical to consider as spring arrives, a time when many will open their windows to welcome the fresh new air. It’s a good time to take just a few, potentially lifesaving minutes to examine if the windows in your home and business are safe. Are the windows accessible enough that someone could escape during an emergency, and are they secure enough that no one is going to fall out of one?

Can you escape? One day, you may need to escape through a window due to a fire or an intruder. Make sure that you have an escape plan prepared and that you have practiced it.

First, make sure you could open the windows and get out quickly. This means windows are not painted or nailed shut, blocked by heavy furniture, or holding an air conditioner. If you have window guards, security bars, or window opening control devices they need to have a secure release mechanism. Keep emergency escape ladders in second or third story rooms and practice using them.

Note that, “Two means of escape are required from each room. One must be a door or stairway, and the second way can be an operable window,” this according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). “The dimensional criteria of the opening are intended to permit fire service personnel (in full protective clothing with breathing apparatus) to enter from a ladder, as well as permit occupants to escape”. How large is appropriate? To meet code requirements on new buildings, windows must be at least 5.7 square feet unless the room has a door that leads directly to the outside or the building is protected by automatic fire sprinklers.

Can someone fall out? For children five and younger window falls account for eight deaths and 3,300 hospitalizations annually. However, there are some very preventable ways to keep children, adults, and their pets from accidentally falling out of windows.

Make sure the child cannot access an open window. This mean that if a window is within a child’s reach, or that they can climb to reach it, the window needs to be closed and locked. Insect screens will not support a child’s full weight. A child may be able to lean on them, but if startled, if their full weight leans on the screen, the child will most likely break the screen and fall out of the window.

You can also install devices that limit how far a window can open, or use window guards (with quick-release mechanisms in case of a fire). Window opening control devices (WOCD) are also an option. Just make sure they meet the ASTM F2090 standard for fall prevention.

For more information about MaintenX, the ways they can help with your window needs, and other services they provide, visit http://www.maintenx.com.

MaintenX International is a fully-licensed, facilities repair company. They are one of the largest national self-performing facility maintenance and repair companies in the U.S. MaintenX has created a network of knowledgeable and professional technicians throughout the country. With their team of well-trained technicians, MaintenX self-performs and manages facility maintenance for clients. In the event there is not a MaintenX technician in the area, the company has fostered a network of preferred vendor partners throughout the country to provide superior service for their clients. For more than 35 years, MaintenX has been expertly serving multi-location retail stores, restaurant chains, and Fortune 500 companies nationwide.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15442829.htm

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