Tampa-Based MaintenX Is Celebrating Hug a Plumber Day
MaintenX provides plumbing services for businesses across the nation.
TAMPA, Fla. (PRWEB) April 25, 2018
When a pipe clogs or sink starts to overflow, it’s wise to call a plumber to solve your problem. Once the crisis is averted, it’s easy to forget about the person that helped you in your time of need. MaintenX wants plumbers to feel the love on April 25, which is National Hug a Plumber Day.
“Plumbers are always on call and often provide critical services on nights and weekends,” said Bill Schaphorst, MaintenX’s VP of Business Development. “They deserve our appreciation – and a hug – for their hard work, strength and stamina, and dedication to their trade.”
If you have a favorite plumber, let them know how grateful you are on Hug a Plumber Day. In honor of plumbing professionals everywhere, MaintenX offers a few facts on what it really means to be a plumber:
Agile and Strong: Being a plumber often resembles being a contortionist. Small, cramped spaces or awkward angles are all part of the job. From cold crawlspaces and dark closets to high-rise office buildings and luxury homes, plumbing problems don’t discriminate where they occur. Therefore, flexibility to work in a number of environments is also required of plumbers. Due to these changing and demanding work conditions, plumbers must stay physically and mentally strong.
Always on Call: Plumbing problems don’t just occur during normal business hours. If a pipe breaks in the middle of the night or a toilet leaks on a holiday, a plumber must be ready to avert any disaster. It can be tough for a plumber to maintain such an unpredictable schedule. But anyone who has ever had a plumber arrive at their time of need, no matter the hour, knows how important plumbers are.
Essential to Public Health: Outside of the home, plumbers hold the important role of helping contribute to public safety. The proper installation and maintenance of wastewater pipes helps reduce the spread of communicable disease and improves the ability to practice good hygiene. Additionally, properly installing faucets and controlling water flow rates can keep patrons from scalding their hands in public restrooms. Plumbers help with pipes that control the flow of medical gases and liquids, as well, helping to keep doctors and patients safe.
Next time you see a plumber, thank them for their hard work. For more information about MaintenX, and the plumbing services our technicians provide, visit http://www.maintenx.com.
MaintenX International is a fully-licensed, facilities repair company. They are one of the largest national self-performing facility maintenance and repair companies in the U.S. MaintenX has created a network of knowledgeable and professional technicians throughout the country. With their team of well-trained technicians, MaintenX self-performs and manages facility maintenance for clients. In the event there is not a MaintenX technician in the area, the company has fostered a network of preferred vendor partners throughout the country to provide superior service for their clients. For more than 35 years, MaintenX has been expertly serving multi-location retail stores, restaurant chains, and Fortune 500 companies nationwide.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15442695.htm
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