Zen Clipper Pet Nail Trimmer Named Top Anxiety-Reducing Product for Pets
Zen Clipper Pet Nail Trimmer Named Top Pet Care Anxiety-Reducing Product for Pets
CHICAGO (PRWEB) April 25, 2018
Trimming the nails of dogs and cats is a task that creates stress for most pet owners because of the potential of cutting off too much of a pet’s nail and cutting into the quick of the nail, the red part that supplies blood to the claw. Fear keeps many owners from performing this important health-maintenance task.
Zen Clipper, a revolutionary new pet nail clipper designed to clip just the tip of a pet’s nail, removes the guesswork of how much nail to cut. Displayed at the 2018 Global Pet Expo – slated as the pet industry's largest annual trade show featuring the newest, most innovative pet products on the market and 3,000 product launches, in the space of over 16 football fields – Zen Clipper has been selected as a Top Five Product to help reduce fear, anxiety, and stress in dogs by Dr. Marty Becker, “America’s Veterinarian,” and his FearFreeHappyHomes.com website dedicated to creating a world where every pet experiences Fear Free at every stage in life – from shelters and breeders, to homes, veterinary visits, trainers, groomers, pet sitters, dog parks, transportation, enrichment and more.
Dr. Becker was the resident veterinary contributor on ABC’s Good Morning America for 17 years, and is a member of the Dr. Oz Show Medical Advisory Panel. He has written 25 books including three New York Times best-sellers—one of which is the fastest-selling pet book of all time, Chicken Soup for the Pet-Lovers Soul.
Originally invented for cats, Zen Clipper includes a variety of sizes designed for cats, dogs, birds, reptiles and small animals like ferrets and rabbits. It has no exposed sharp edges to accidentally harm the animal or owner.
With the patent-pending conical stainless steel blade, Zen Clipper only allows the tip of the pet’s nail into the cutting area. “When you put the nail through the hole, you can visualize the nail itself and the quick…It doesn’t pinch and cuts very nicely, clean, and neatly” describes Byron de la Navarre, DVM, Chief of Staff at Animal House of Chicago. “It doesn’t make any noise…a lot of times the noise of traditional nail cutters will upset animals”.
Zen Clipper can be used by anyone, from a child, with adult supervision, to persons with limited eyesight or dexterity. The proper size Zen Clipper is chosen using a simple sizing card available at ZenClipper.com on the What Size Do I Need page, and is included with each product. Customers can also request a free sizing card!
"The design ensures that the same amount of claw is removed every time and the quick can’t be harmed even if the animal was to jump or move while it is being trimmed” says Michael Bihlmaier, the inventor of Zen Clipper. “The best part is that once the claw is trimmed, it cannot be over clipped.” “We take great pride in helping pet owners discover the benefits of this at-home bonding and stress-free experience," confirms David Levy of Pet Product Innovations, http://www.petppi.com, the manufacturer and distributor for Zen Clipper and over 20-year veteran of the pet industry.
For more information please contact Roberto Leon at tito@petppi.com
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/04/prweb15426881.htm
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