"NFL Dads Dedicated to Daughters," edited by Leslie Satchell, is...

"NFL Dads Dedicated to Daughters," edited by Leslie Satchell, is a collection of photographs and writings from gridiron heroes about being the father of a daughter and what men must do to stop violence against women (NFL Players Assoc., $24.95). Credit: Handout

"NFL Dads Dedicated to Daughters" (NFL Players Assoc., $24.95), edited by Leslie Satchell, is a collection of photographs and writings from gridiron heroes about being the father of a daughter and what men must do to stop violence against women. Includes participation from more than 70 current and former NFL players, including Donovan McNabb, James Brown and Matt Hasselbeck.

"Fathers and Sons: 11 Great Writers Talk About Their Dads, Their Boys, and What It Means to Be a Man" (Hearst Books/Sterling, $14.95), edited by David Katz, features pieces from Esquire magazine. They include an essay from Alec Wilkinson about raising a child with special needs and a humorous piece by Larry Doyle on the "babyproofer" who inspected his house and found it lacking.

"What I Would Tell Her: 28 Devoted Dads on Bringing Up, Holding on to and Letting Go of Their Daughters" (Harlequin Nonfiction; $13.95) is a paperback that includes tales of worry, hope, trust and undying paternal love. Andrea N. Richesin compiled the stories from authors, professors, poets and editors. They describe ordinary events such as coaching a soccer match or bedtime storytelling, and special events such as a father-daughter sock-hop or the prom.

"Ready, Set, Play! Parents and Children Bonding Through Sports" (Triumph Books, $19.95), edited by ESPN's Mark Schlereth and Mark Preisler, includes essays by George Foreman, Nolan Ryan, Cal Ripken Jr. and more.


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