Margaret Atwood has written a sequel to "The Handmaid's Tale,"...

Margaret Atwood has written a sequel to "The Handmaid's Tale," to be published by Doubleday on Sept. 10. Credit: Liam Sharp

They may as well proclaim Sept. 10 Margaret Atwood Day.

That’s the release date of Atwood’s highly anticipated sequel to “The Handmaid’s Tale,” and to celebrate the occasion an interview with the author will be broadcast live at more than 1,000 movie theaters around the world. Atwood will discuss the new book and her career with BBC journalist Samira Ahmed on stage at the National Theatre in London. Theaters in Farmingdale, Westbury, Deer Park, Stony Brook and Holtsville will show the event. Tickets go on sale Friday, March 8 at 10 a.m. at

“The Handmaid’s Tale” was published in 1985 and became a feminist dystopian classic. An Emmy Award-winning television adaptation starring Elisabeth Moss has had two seasons on Hulu, and a third will begin streaming in June. The sequel, titled “The Testaments,” is set 15 years later and features three female narrators.

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