Tiger's wife wants to save marriage for the kids
Elin Nordegren and Tiger Woods' marriage may not be ending.
According to People magazine, Nordegren wants to save her marriage because she doesn't want to raise their two children - Sam, 2, and Charlie, 11 months - without a father.
"Elin wants a solid family life," a Florida source told People. "She was a child of divorce and felt her dad slighted her. She absolutely does not want that to happen to Sam and Charlie. So she wants to keep her family together even if she and Tiger live together as friends instead of lovers."
For his part, Woods also wants to keep his family together, another "insider" told People.
"Tiger wants to go back to being a golf star with major endorsements," the insider said. "He wants his clients, who have kids of their own, to think he is a good family man. He had hoped all along that his wife's initial furor would die down so they could discuss the situation and behave rationally." And this source added: "Keeping the family together is very important to Tiger so he is doing whatever it takes to keep Elin from leaving him and taking the kids."
During the past week, Nordegren reportedly visited Woods at the Gentle Path sexual addiction clinic in Hattiesburg, Miss.
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