"American Idol": Los Angeles auditioners arrive for their chance to...

"American Idol": Los Angeles auditioners arrive for their chance to become the next "American Idol." Credit: Fox

Vanessa Johnston bounces in as 'American Idol' nears the end, is totally annoying 5 seconds in -- hyper, shouts everything. Bellows out "At Last" confusing volume and force with talent.

She's panned, Simon says, "if anyone ever asks me what my worst nightmares in life are, that was it." She's still upbeat, cracks up with her friends afterward. Ha, like her more now.

The 16-year-old Christian Spears, who had leukemia, is last -- has been in remission since she was 8. Doing "All I Can Do Is Cry," and I don't love it; it's too deliberate and oversung for me, even if she does have a good voice.

Randy likes her voice a lot, Jonas likes it, Kara, too, "I didn't sense any fear from you." Simon says "I think you're an incredibly brave person, and I like you, a lot." I like her as a person, too; just not as a performer. Not yet, anyways.

17th person to make it out of Dallas; here are my favorites:

1) Dave Pittman may have Tourette Syndrome, but he also showed off a deep, soulful, heartfelt voice on "Bring it on Home to Me." Simon's right when he said "people are going to like you," I've got a feeling he'll be in the finals, giving him a chance to prove what Neil Patrick Harris said: "you're crazy-brave."

2) Shapely Erica Rhodes is unforgettable, what with having been on "Barney" as a kid and sporting a dominatrix outfit -- complete with whip -- as an adult. She showed off a good voice too... as if anyone remembers what she sang.

3) Maeghan Wright has a cute little brother and a totally down-to-earth vibe, her sultry, slow version of "To Make You Feel My Love" I like her too; she just seems happy to sing, slightly goofy.

4) Dockworker Lloyd Thomas is gonna remind people of Ruben but his sweet "Overjoyed" proved he belongs here on his own. I loved the personality he flashed at the end: "I wish you could taste what I taste right now -- it's the taste of victory, dee-licious."

5) Todrick Hall sang "Todrick is my name, and I'm here to play a part in your game," unlike Simon I didn't find it "cutesy," but clever and well-done.

6) Christian Spears, in remission from leukemia, has a great story -- I just wasn't crazy about her voice.

7) Kimberly Carver was mocked by Simon as "jazz-TV," I thought she was pretty good, if not totally memorable.

Who'd you like best in Dallas? Click on "add a comment" at the bottom of this post and tell us.

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