Conan: He's looking on the bright side

Co is still here and still swinging Credit: NBC
Ya know, one of these days NBC might even announce that he's leaving. In the meantime, Conan continues to have good material.
Heeere's tonight.
" I’ve been trying to look on the bright side and make the best of a tough situation. Even though I had this job for only 7 months, in the world of entertainment, that’s actually a pretty long time In fact, I came up with a list of things in Hollywood that lasted less than 7 months:
-Kid Rock’s marriage to Pamela Anderson: 5 months
-Popularity of the “Leave Britney Alone Guy”: 4 months
-Ed Hardy T-shirts being cool, not tacky: 5.5 months
-The plot of “Lost” being vaguely comprehensible: 3 months.
-Joan Rivers’ 17th face: 6 weeks.
-Interest in Denise Richards’ side of the story: 18 hours.
-Gary Busey’s love affair with an Encino parking meter: 44 days.
-Lindsay Lohan’s first and third stints as a lesbian: 3 months & 5 months.
-The Masturbating Bear’s disappearance from the airwaves: 6 months 29 days....
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