Chicago auditioners arrive for their chance to become the next...

Chicago auditioners arrive for their chance to become the next AMERICAN IDOL. Credit: FOX

Katelyn Epperly starts 'American Idol' in Chicago off, singing Duffy's "Syrup and Honey." She's got the same interesting vocal tone, a good look with the blonde curls and intense eyes.

Shania likes her, Kara wants something more perky; it's obvious everyone is going to like her, she has a good voice, good look, and a good story -- her dad divorced her mom, which spurred her to try out for the show (doesn't make much sense but it gives people a reason to root for her).

She's through; not that excited about her, but she can sing.

Do you like hearing the emotional stories behind contestants', or is it sometimes just too soap opera-ish and formulaic? Click on 'add a comment' at the bottom of this post and tell us

>> PHOTOS: Click here to see contestants and celebrity judges from this year's 'American Idol' audition rounds

>> FUN: Test your memory -- how many of the winners and top finalists do you remember, from each season of 'American Idol'?

>> MORE: Read all of our 'American Idol' posts, and put in your two cents

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