Jessica Lange, of “American Horror Story: Coven,” wins an Emmy...

Jessica Lange, of “American Horror Story: Coven,” wins an Emmy for outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or a movie on Monday, Aug. 25, 2014. Credit: AP / Vince Bucci

OK, I can play this game, too: Pick up and post every tease FX sends out to promote the new season of "American Horror Story: Freak Show" -- arriving Oct. 8 -- but otherwise offer nothing of substance or insight into the new season (Oct. 8!). But at least I get some TV Zone page views, and FX some free publicity, which I am to happy to oblige. (Did I mention the new season starts Oct. 8?)

That's right, I can play. Check THIS baby out, which has left me caged and confused.

(But I like it.) 

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