Seth Rollins gets featured on 'American Idol' after some stupid 'girl power' montage of Kara and Kristin trying to be bff and Simon being catty.

Seth's son has autism; he has a very matter-of-fact, gentle manner to him that makes me like him right away. He's motivated by wanting to be able to afford the best care for his son.

Spools out "Someone to Watch Over Me," so nice to listen to -- actually brings a smile to Simon's face. It's really like velvet, this guy's gonna build a following.  Kara nails it, "I wanna keep hearing you." Simon says good voice, Randy wants more animation, and he's through easily.

Big hug for his son, carries him out to the cheering audition room. "Daddy's going to Hollywood!"

Ah, Fox always overly-produces these stories, but it's still so great to 'meet' people like Seth.

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