Guest judge Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers, second from...

Guest judge Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers, second from left, joins Randy Jackson, left, Kara DioGuardi, and Simon Cowell for the "American Idol" auditions in Dallas. Credit: FOX PHOTO

Joe Jonas, the "hearthrob" who's one-third of the world's busiest brothers according to Ryan, is the guest judge on day two of 'American Idol' from Dallas.

Todrick Hall, who was with Fantasia in "The Color Purple" sings a song he wrote himself, "Todrick is my name, and I'm here to play a part in your game...." Best line is, "Randy what do I have to do to be a dawwwwg." 

He's got a sweet voice, the lyrics are pretty clever. Kara calls it "awesome," Randy calls him one of the best he's seen this year, Jonas thinks he has star power, Simon wasn't too impressed by the "cutesy" audition but in the end makes it unanimous.

Maeghan Wright is next, brings her cute little brother to the auditions. He's totally charming. Sings "To Make You Feel My Love," a slow, sultry voice, seems totally genuine if shaped, nice crack to it too.

"I really like you," said Kara, "walking in with that outfit I thought it was going to be a joke." Simon liked the outfit, said "you're not trying too hard, like the surprise element."

I like her too; she just seems happy to sing, slightly goofy.

What'd you think of Tordick Hall's song, Maeghan Wright's personality? Click on 'add a comment' at the bottom of this post and chime in

>> PHOTOS: Click here to see contestants and celebrity judges from this year's 'American Idol' audition rounds

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