Man struggles with legacy of childhood abuse
DEAR AMY: I am a 55-year-old man. My parents divorced before I can remember, and I lived with my narcissistic, alcoholic mother. When I was a child and a teen, I was sexually abused by her "companion." I didn't tell anyone because I knew my mother wouldn't believe me, and I know that she would have chosen him over me. There was never a question about that. It has taken me years to rebuild broken relationships with siblings and cousins — and these are relationships I cherish. But I have never been honest with them about the root cause of my troubles. I have built a good life and that is a victory, but I also wonder what I could have done with my life if I hadn't been forced to carry around the pain and anguish of sexual assault. My mom died several years ago, but her "companion" is still an accepted member of the family. I went home last year for a funeral on my dad's side, and the guy who abused me showed up. I've avoided my hometown for decades because of this man, but this robs me of time with my siblings and my cousins — yet another thing he has taken from me. I have no interest in any kind of disclosure. I don't want that kind of drama. I'm not that strong. They might choose him over me. I just want my home and my family back. Do you have any advice?
Heartbroken in the Heartland
DEAR HEARTBROKEN: I don't know if I can realistically guide you toward getting your home and your family back, because the man who abused you (and the mother who didn't protect you) robbed you of these two things — at least in the most conventional sense.
You are a successful survivor, and even if you don't want to disclose this to your family members, you could find continuing healing (and perhaps help others) by connecting with other survivors.
An estimated one in six men report having been sexually abused. I admire the work of MaleSurvivor (, which helps connect abuse survivors with support, counseling services — and each other. This would be vital to your healing.
Understand that the person who abused you might have abused others. Specialized counseling would help to clarify your options regarding disclosure.
I hope you will continue to travel home (and welcome family members to your home). Ideally you would stay in a hotel and host your family members in a way where you would control which people you would see.
I believe your efforts to reclaim your connection to your home are laudable — and healthy. This marks another guidepost in your recovery.
DEAR AMY: I have two daughters. I'm not getting any younger. When the time comes for my daughters to divide up my possessions after my death, what is the fairest way for them to do this? I am suggesting drawing straws, rather than the oldest going first. I was the oldest of two kids and chose first, but I'm not sure that's the best way. What do you think?
DEAR BEFUDDLED: Here's how my sisters and I divided our mother's possessions: First, we each chose something of "equal value." We defined "value" in our own way. For instance, the sentimental attachment to a painting might make it as "valuable" as an automobile.
We put these equal-value items into a group, where we mutually decided that each of the things in the group held roughly equal value for each of us (your daughters would only have two items or collections of things in a group).
We each designated one of our kids to draw a number out of our grandfather's old top hat. Whoever got the number one got first choice of the items in the group, and on down the line. We did round after round, traded back and forth if we wanted to, and generally had a great time. This is basically "gamifying" the concept of drawing straws.
DEAR AMY: "Wondering" asked for suggestions on how to answer the question, "How many children do you have," when one child has died. Here's how my brother and his wife have dealt with this (their baby son died at birth). They respond with, "We have three — our two girls, and their baby brother in heaven." As an aunt, I also use this type of response when people ask me about their family. And yes, we do use his name, also.
Caring Aunt
DEAR AUNT: Thank you.