Celebrity Baby Scoop recently caught up with "24" star Kim...

Celebrity Baby Scoop recently caught up with "24" star Kim Raver about her family, career and balancing it all. Credit: Celebrity Baby Scoop

To help women take charge of their health this summer, Colgate Total has teamed up with Kim Raver, a mom of two and actress from Fox’s “24," to encourage healthy living through simple, everyday routines. Raver, an advocate for healthy living, shares some of her own parenting, health and beauty tips with Celebrity Baby Scoop.

Q. Tell us about your partnership with Colgate Total and your participation in National Women’s Health Week.

Yeah, I was just filming in London and I came to New York for Women’s’ National Health Week. I get what it’s like to be super busy. I think it’s important to have Women’s Health Week to remind us and to give us tips and ways to take care of ourselves. Moms are busy and trying to juggle it all. I’m really proud to have partnered with Colgate Total to give women ways to address health and beauty issues. So much is expected of us as women, as we are such caregivers as it is. I think we need a reminder sometimes. For me, I’m filming in London and I’m flying back to New York. I have two boys and I’m a busy mom.

Q. What kinds of healthy habits have you incorporated into your lifestyle?

I think it's finding ways to combine my health with the things I want to get done. For example, on the weekend I really want to be with my kids, especially if I’m working during the week. Sometimes I think I have to choose between my workout and spending time with my kids. However, I can do both by having the kids get on their scooters and I’ll put on my running shoes so we can run and scooter in the park. I also try to drink a ton of water. I think it’s key to staying healthy. Getting enough sleep is also important, because as moms we rarely get enough, but it’s so important, even if it is a short 20-minute nap. It can be restorative, and I totally need that when I’m working. I feel better when I’m eating well, but I love to have indulgences. I love to eat yummy things. I think it’s easier to stay on course. I don’t like to use the word diet, because I don’t think that sounds healthy.

Q. You’re playing the role of Audrey Raines on "24: Live another Day." Tell us about your character.

Audrey is a very complex woman. In season 4 and 5, she was very intense and she knew exactly what she wanted. She worked for the White House and CTU and she’s very well educated. She’s involved with Jack Bauer, so if you know the show, that’s a lot of intense drama. In season 6 she tried to rescue Jack Bauer in China and ended up being kidnapped and went through a whole series of horrific things. So when she came back she was not the same woman she was in season 4 and 5. We pick up "Live Another Day" and she’s definitely much better than where we left her in season 6. Her husband, played by Tate Donovan, has nursed her back to health. But I feel like at the beginning of the season, she doesn’t have the strength that she once had. However, throughout these 12 episodes of "Live Another Day" she finds her voice again and becomes the Audrey we know. There’s also some great and complicated stuff between her and Jack Bauer.

Q. What was it like on set?

Keifer Sutherland is such an amazing person. He is extremely talented. Because we spend so many hours together on set, it is like a second family. We get very close. We film some very intense scenes and work long hours. We are also filming in London so everyone is away from their main home, at least the American actors. It’s a very tight-knit group of people. I think everyone is excited to be back and filming again.

Q. Is Keifer Sutherland as intense as Jack Bauer?

He’s intense in a very different way. He is a very funny guy. I don’t know if people know that about him. He’s an incredible storyteller. We’ll all go out to dinner and he’ll have people transfixed by what he is saying because he is such a great storyteller. He is a very dedicated and loyal friend, which, again, I don’t think people know about him. They know him from his Jack Bauer character.

Q. What are your sons Luke, 12, and Leo, 6, up to these days?

They are learning how to live in a completely new country. My husband and I decided it is important for us to all be together even when we have to work in different places. I took them out of school in December. They had been there a couple of years and totally uprooted them. We found two amazing schools in London. I’m really proud of them, as they have had to learn how incorporate themselves into a new schooling system and a new culture. That’s a lot of change, but they’ve really embraced it. They know they are very lucky to have that experience.

Q. What is it like to raise two boys?

It’s absolutely amazing and it’s 24/7 movement. Boys are so active and move all the time. They are into American football, soccer, baseball, so I’ll be making dinner and there are balls flying across the room, but I love it. I love the nonstop chaos. I have very loving children, and my family is extremely important to me. We find the time to have dinner together and read stories and tuck them in at night. That’s the highlight of my day.

Q. What are you doing this summer?

My husband is French. Since we’re shooting in Europe, I think we are going to see my in-laws and let the kids spend some time with their grandparents. Then we will come back to the states and spend some time with my parents. As of now, I have time for family and traveling around and spending time with my boys.

Q. What’s up next for you?

We’re still in the middle of filming "24," so I think what’s up next is wrapping up 24 and spending time with my family.

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