Most people recover from the flu at home with some...

Most people recover from the flu at home with some tender loving care and by following doctor's orders for medications and treatment. Credit: Fotolia

Other moms, married moms, often ask me, “How do you do it?” when it comes to the logistics of my son’s extra-curricular activities and other child care planning.

The truth of the matter is, as a single parent, I don’t see much difference between myself and other parents with two or more kids. It’s hard, but doable. I rely somewhat on family, and on a neighbor -- who is also a friend and single dad, and of whom there is a bit of a loose reciprocal agreement. I spend a lot of money on babysitters when it comes to work. I changed jobs so I can be home earlier. Mostly, the balls stay in the air rather well.

But at the first sign of getting sick, all the balls come tumbling down.

Last week was a good case in point. I spent the weekend pretty much in bed except for taking my son to his basketball game. I have worked every day, but my stuffed sinuses have begged me to go home afterward and stay there. "No can do," I tell my achy self, because there are cub scouts and a car that needs repair and basketball practice.

I’ve met those obligations, but on others I have been remiss, including reading with my 10-year-old (he still needs me to read with him because he only came to this country three years ago). Laundry was not done. And dinners were a lot of quick fixes.

My son will live, of course. No damage done. But it reminds me of how much he depends on me -- and only me -- for so much in his life. That thought can be heavy stuff. Even heavier than my presently stuffed-up head.


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