The Cam Run is a run that Cherry Avenue schoolkids do in honor of a kid named Cameron, who passed away very young. He was a very good student and friend, and this is how we remember him.

This is what we do during the Cam Run: We start by saying the Pledge of Allegiance, then we talk about what he liked, such as his favorite animal (frogs). After we do that, we talk about his jokes and the fifth graders say their own jokes that they made up. When we are done telling the jokes, we start the one-mile run around our school.

Right after we run, we get snacks and water and sometimes even ice pops. When the Cam Run is over, all of the classes go inside feeling like they just had so much fun. This is one of my favorite happenings at Cherry.

Melinda Moran’s fourth- and fifth-grade Stretch students, Cherry Avenue Elementary School, West Sayville


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