A showing of animated feature "Team Hot Wheels: The Origin...

A showing of animated feature "Team Hot Wheels: The Origin of Awesome" happens this weekend. Credit: Mattel

This weekend only, the animated feature “Team Hot Wheels: The Origin of Awesome” comes to select Long Island movie theaters.

The movie is the tale of four kids -- Gage, Rhett, Wyatt and Brandon -- who must stop a mysterious black car from transforming the town of Hilly Woodlands into a chaotic mess of orange track and obstacles. The showing is happening at 660 theaters across the country.

Fans will also learn how Team Hot Wheels was created through interviews with the folks at Mattel, get to see early sketches and concept art and experience how the characters were developed.

The flick will be shown at 11 a.m. Saturday and Sunday at the Farmingdale Multiplex, Hampton Bays 5, Island 16 Cinema Deluxe in Holtsville, Stony Brook 17 and Westbury Stadium 12. Check individual theaters for pricing.

For more information, visit fathomevents.com.


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