I tried out a Kent 6-speed bike

Kidsday reporter Kendall Messler tests the Kent bike. Credit: Ted Nagengast
For the summer months I live on Fire Island. You may not know this but Fire Island does not allow cars. Everyone uses a bicycle to get around. I was given a new Kent BCA/MT20 6-speed bike to test out.
The bike is purple with white and the first thing I noticed was that it had gears, hand brakes and was a little small for me. I have been riding two-wheel bicycles since I was 3, so the size was not going to be an issue for me. I am used to riding really small bikes and really big bikes. It took me a little time to get used to riding it because I kept trying to brake by using the pedals. Once I got the swing of braking with the hand brakes I was comfortable test-driving this bike. I rode it around for three days. I liked the idea of being able to change gears. I could pedal very easily in first gear or I could challenge myself by putting it in sixth gear. I liked that I had that option. The bike rides really smoothly. The color was really cool. I enjoyed riding it.
Overall, I think the bike is a good product. I think kids a little shorter than me will really like riding it. I like the big thick tires and the sturdy frame. If you are thinking about a new bike, check this out.