Rylee Gluck, 11, of Woodmere, is the inaugural host of...

Rylee Gluck, 11, of Woodmere, is the inaugural host of a new online video show called "Nosh & Nibble" on Kosher.com. Credit: Charlie Gillette

Rylee Gluck, 11, of Woodmere, is the inaugural host of a new online cooking and crafts show for children called “Nosh & Nibble” on Kosher.com.

The sixth grader is featured in a "get to know Rylee" trailer that shows her shopping on Central Avenue in Lawrence, riding a zip line in her backyard and watching sports on TV. In the first full episode, which lasts just over seven minutes, she makes s’mores-themed dessert pizzas; in the second, which posts Dec. 22, she makes chocolate gelt from scratch for Hanukkah, and in the third, which is scheduled to post Dec. 29, she will lead a snow-globe craft.

The episodes filmed on Long Island over two days in November.

"I was a little nervous because I haven't really done anything like this before," Rylee says in a phone interview. When she found out she'd been selected, "I was so excited, I was bouncing off every wall."

Show producer Jenna Grunfeld says the series' hosts will rotate and other children will be chosen for subsequent three-episode arcs.

“Rylee was incredible, energetic. She just has a magic to her personality,” Grunfeld says.

Kosher.com is a recipe and lifestyle website based in Bayonne, N.J. "Nosh & Nibble," geared to ages 7 to 10, was developed in a partnership between the website and PJ Library, which gives free Jewish books to Jewish children around the world. Rylee was one of PJ Library’s “Our Way” participants, children ages 9 to 12 who provided that site with videos about books and graphic novels; Rylee submitted an audition tape for the Kosher.com gig.

"All my friends watched it," Rylee says of her first episodes, which began airing Dec. 15. "They were like, 'My friend's a celebrity.' But not really."


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